Perkins Critser Construction is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Prospective employees will receive consideration without discrimination because of race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, religious, handicap or veteran status.
References - Please include only those individuals that are familiar with your work experience. Do not include relatives.
Education and Skills - Please give and accurate, complete record of all High School, College, University, and Special Schools you have attended
Higher Educaton
Employment History - Please give an accurate and complete record of all full-time and part-time employment. Please start with your present or most recent employer.
We may contact the employers listed above unless you indicate those you do not want us to contact. Please do not contact:
I certify that the information provided in the Application for Employment is true, correct, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misstatement or omission of fact on this application may result in my application for employment being rejected or if employed and immediate dismissal. I understand that the use of illegal drugs is prohibited during employment and any offer of employment may be conditional upon the completion of an acceptable pre-employment drug screening.
The undersigned acknowledges that any offers of employment must be in writing to be effective. Any verbal offers implied or perceived are not valid until confirmed in writing. Furthermore it should be understood that acceptance of an offer of employment doesnot create a contractual oligation upoad the emploer to continue to employ in the future and that any such employment if offered in writing and accepted shall be deemed at will. As an "at will" employee either I or the company can terminate the employment relationship at any time without notice. I acknowledge that only the president of hte company has the authority to change any employment to change the "at will" nature of employment.
This application for employment is good for 90 days only. Consideration for employment after 90 days may require a new application.